Golfers with a head speed of 46 m/sec or higher will be able to increase spin on iron shots while aiming for greater distance. The development of a urethane ball. The answer lies in a 5-layer structure combining different hardnesses. The dual core system with different hardnesses produces higher initial velocity, higher trajectory, and lower spin. And the middle layer made of TPE elastomer, with 3 layers of hardness and 4 layers of softness, provides a softer feel and more spin on irons. In addition, a soft urethane cover is used to increase spin around the green. Reaching to the heavens, 2HEAVEN U5X is born.
Cast urethane cover with newly developed 322 air dimples.
Adoption of soft cast urethane to reduce air resistance at impact and increase spin around the green.
Intermediate layer combining 3 hard and 4 soft layers
The middle layer, which directly affects the distance and spin of irons, is made of TPE elastomer with internal hardness and external softness.
This brings about an increase in distance and spin of irons.
A dual core system is used, combining a soft core of high elasticity (compression 35) with a stiffer exterior core (compression 45).